Jacket 36, the late 2008 issue, is taking form. It includes a discussion between Rachel Blau DuPlessis and William Watkin on “Draft 33: Deixis” and Watkin’s essay “Though we keep company with cats and dogs”: Onomatopoeia, Glossolalia and Happiness in the work of Lyn Hejinian and Giorgio Agamben. I am not familiar with W. Watkin’s work, but am inspired by his perspectives on contemporary literature and literary criticism. Watkins is co-coordinator of Archive of the Now, a wondrously rich collection of contemporary writers’ works: confirmation if any is still needed of what an important role the web now plays in making poetics and poetry resources available, no matter our geographic location.
Jacket 36
July 20th, 2008 · No Comments
Tags: poetics
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