Hugh Nicoll's Blog

patterns, poetics, polytexts

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a little less conversation

March 10th, 2005 · No Comments

A little less conversation, the latest post from Rob Weissman on the corp-focus list, is a call to action for difficult times. The issues are on a bigger scale than the problems we face in educational settings, where we have oodles of data and bundles of experience but apparently very little power as teacher/researchers to effect the policy changes needed to make real impacts in classrooms.

As usual, nearing the beginning of the new academic year, as I try to reflect on the lessons of the year just ending and re-evaluate my lesson planning and materials development processes, the utter inadequacy of the time available, and unavoidable evidence that the bean-counter mentality has as much power to define what happens in my classrooms as I do leaves me feeling irritated, when I’m working to re-charge my batteries and prepare for the challenges of the new year.

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