I watched the BBC news this morning after my morning bath, and was horrified by Rumsfeld’s response to a soldier asking why US troops are being sent into battle with inadequately armored vehicles. Juan Cole’s column for December 9 includes quotes from the transcripts of the soldier’s question and Rumsfeld’s responses, courtesy of Reuters.
Cole goes on to detail the numbers of journalists starting to challenge the administrations distortions and lies. I’ll hope (and maybe even pray) that we won’t end up living in some sort of hybrid hell before Bush & co. take responsibility for their incompetence. The government’s policies aren’t even in the long run going to take care of the elitists they are so clearly designed to serve, not to mention the ways in which they’ll perpetuate insult and injury for ordinary working folk all over the planet. Can you imagine what it will really be like when we are all living in some warped version “Max Headroom,” “Mad Max,” and “Blade Runner?”
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