Attended a live performance by RobStar Lobster tonight. “Donny,” (Kotaro-kun) the second vocalist in the group is the son of one of my oldest friends in Miyazaki, Yano Yasuhiro. RobStar Lobster is an acapella group performing polished and moving covers of Stevie Wonder, Beatles, Carole King songs along with Japanese pop standards and a few originals. My preferences for jazz are pretty strong, but this group of young singers put on a great show, and did a great job of highlighting the wonders of the human voice. I especially liked their mic-less version of “What a Wonderful World” they performed as an encore.
Many of the audience are folks I’ve known almost my entire stay in Miyazaki, so lots of hisashiburi (Haven’t seen you in a long time!) sociability, and the strange mix of wonder and familiarity that seeing your friends’ children growing up and finding themselves as adults provokes.
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